Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day Dona

There are many things we can learn from this video. Here are some highlights:

  • You can call each other fat and ugly but never make fun of another person's mudda (mother).
  • Mother is spelled M-O-T-H-E-R
  • You may never know when you need it so it is always good to carry a microphone; I want to say in your back pocket is a good place but it looks more like Mr T had it stashed in his pants near the small of his back for some reason.
  • We should treat our mother's right.

Happy Mother's Day


daisy said...

True dat! I Love you mudda!

sadie said...

Daisy, didn't you learn anything? As Shayne pointed out, it's spelled m-o-t-h-e-r even though it's pronounced mudda. Tricky, I know.

nana said...

Shayne only you singing would be better!