Monday, September 17, 2007

Cell No!

Alright. It's like an awkward silence having no one post something for a while, so fine ... I'll break the ice. So ... uh ... how's the weather?

But seriously ... this year's student body officers have, for some reason, really tackled the issue of cell phones in class. Not only that, but they emphatically support their complete eradication! What kind of student hopes that cell phones won't be allowed in school? Either the direly unpopular (which we can assume they are not, due to the fact that they were elected into office), or those that have had a profound, anti-cell phone influence earlier on in their life. I would submit that, having taught six out of the eight of them, I was the influence behind it all. I mean, we cannot dismiss the fact that I confiscated about one hundred of the blasted thing the year before (I didn't start keeping track until the middle of the first trimester). For their campaign against cell phones, the student body officers have come up with a couple different slogans and catch phrases, one of which was the aforementioned title to this post, "Cell No!", and the other is "Weapons of Mass Distraction." I was given the honor of being the first teacher to witness the t-shirt design for "Weapons of Mass Distraction"---a cell phone with a skull and crossbones and a mushroom cloud behind it. Wow. To say that I am flattered is an understatement. It seems as if the whole school is bending to my will. The minute they take out hallways and replace them with canals, issuing everyone a small sailboat to get around the school, then I'll know that I have entirely won over the community.


daisy said...

"Weapons of mass distraction"

That is very clever. Are you sure these are Sky View kids that came up with that?

nana said...

Cell No... they have gone to the dark side .. like Logan... Give em L....
Actually we are so very proud of the originator of the cell war!!

sadie said...

Wow. I'm actually sort of happy for you, Marty...and then sort of disgusted that all these students are playing into your hands.

Besides, since when are student body officers advocates for improving education? Weird.