Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The book that we get at the library EVERY time we go.

Constructions for Canyon’s flying ship:
It has a sail on the point with a cabin, um, with a blue flag, and I’m going to take a port-a-potty, or maybe Jack’s little potty. And I’m going to take my pirate book and some pillows to sleep on. And I’ll wear my pirate clothes: they look like a red jacket and a red striped bandana and barefeet. I’m not going to go anywhere, because I want to keep sailing and I got to get one more thing to take in my sailing ship. I’m going to take a paddle if there’s no wind. Guests: Dylan, Derek, Marty, both papas, Lily, mommy & daddy, and Alice and Jane and Jack…but that’s a lot of people, but my ships tiny it’s only this wide. That’s enough people for my flying ship (sorry if you didn’t make the cut). I’m going to take one more thing—I’m going to take a anchor. We’re going to use lots of people, but we can’t use lots of them in our town. And apples because that’s pirate food—applesauce for baby Jane. I want to bring my legos.

Maybe candles so we can see in the dark and a tv with a movie: that might be fun. And a three-cornered pirate hat. We can bring my magazine too. I think that’s enough.


daisy said...

Canyon- I can't believe you wouldn't want to bring along your favorite Auntie Daisy. Maybe it has been too long since you have been here and didn't want to leave. Come soon so we can get reacquainted.

Papa said...

Thanks for the invitation. I've always wanted to be on a flying ship.
Can I dress up as a football player?

sadie said...

I'm not as concerned that I wasn't chosen as I am concerned that Marty was. Marty? Come on!

Marty Reeder said...

Please. Whether you agree or disagree with my razor sharp sense of humor, you must at least agree that having a resident pirate expert on board is essential.

Canyon, I humbly accept your invitation to be on board your flying pirate ship. If the first mate position isn't already taken, I would love it. If it is, I'm hoping that there is still room for a coxswain. But, hey, even if I'm swabbing the deck the whole time, I'll be happy.

Can we fly past Aunt Sadie's and Daisy's to say "hi" and then laugh?

Kale for Sale said...

Canyon - You can sign me up to give you a big (canvas) bag of apples and a homemade jar of applesauce for baby Jane. I hope you aren't gone long though because I would miss everyone. Well, except for Marty.

Thanks for telling me about this Emily!

sadie said...

Don't worry, Katrina. I won't miss Marty either.

tami said...

I hope you meant Big Derek, because I've started packing his things... you can expect him next week sometime!