Here are some facts that you might not know: Fact #1-When Emily was born, there was no one who needed to be watched at home but when Dona went into labor with Daisy, we had a plan. Clark (my brother) came to our apartment and took care of Emily. While driving Dona to the hospital, we unexpectedly ran into (not literally) a missionary companion. You know how that can go. After too long, I explained that Dona was in labor and we went on our way. Fact #2-For some reason, we didn’t plan on having a baby so soon after Emily was born and I’m still not sure how it happened but we didn’t have any insurance for Daisy. I was willing to leave her at the hospital until we could pay the bill but they let us take her home and we’ve been paying ever since. Fact #3-One of my many responsibilities has been to pick names. Daisy was named after the “America” song that has as its first line, “Flying me back to Memphis, gotta find my Daisy Jane.” I think it is the piano opening that got to me. Anyway, she’s not Daisy Jane (we saved Jane for Dustin and Emily), she’s Daisy Sue. Don’t ask me where the Sue came from (my Mom wanted Daisy May, get it, because she was born in May. She wanted to name Julene, June but she was born on July 1st). Fact #4-Very shortly after she was born, Dona took her and Emily to LaGrande while I went to Duchesne to find a place to live. While in Oregon, Dona got very sick and it was determined that she had a gall stone (the gall). Fact #5-During her infant stage, Daisy pretty much slept, ate, and P2 (pooped and peed). One time I came home from the pool (summer job) and found all three of them on the bed, Dona writhing in great pain, Emily playing on the bed and Daisy sleeping. We had a two bedroom apartment that just a month previous had been a stand alone garage (the mice hadn’t moved out yet). Fact #6-I don’t have time to fact check her toddler to prepubescent stage except to point out that she snuck (with the help of Emily) out and went to a movie with a boy before she was 16 (Parly and Lily should not read that part). Fact #7-She threw up (projectile vomit) all over my shoes when she finished 4th at the state cross country championship and I didn’t even mind. Fact #8-Shayne took her away from us (thank goodness) and she has become a wonderful wife and mother (even though she snuck out before she was 16).