Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The "Call"

Mom and I are excited to share this news. Yesterday we finally got the call. The office of the First Presidency reached me at school yesterday and asked me for a time Dona and I could take a phone call from President Monson. Last night we took the call. At first we talked about the time we saw each other at Disneyland. He said he had a fond memory of the occasion. He especially remembered meeting our children. He was happy to hear that all are happily engaged in building the Kingdom. He then asked about our finances. Well, It just so happened that Dona had just paid off our mortgage and credit cards the day before so that went well. Then he asked if we would be ready to spend the next three years serving as a mission president. I asked if he had an English speaking mission in mind and he assured me that it would be. Well, to make a long story short, your Mother and I will be presiding over the Dugway Proving Grounds, Utah Mission. I'm really excited. Thirty years ago, we almost accepted a teaching job there so we've been there and have seen the countryside. I can't wait and neither can Dona. We will preside over one other missionary who will be going home in late September. There are no immediate plans to replace him. Anyway we are excited to let you in on the news. We're not allowed to tell anyone other than our immediate family until it comes out in the Church News sometime soon. Take care and have a great April First...Love Papa and Nana

We were told that families could visit if they can get to proper papers so make plans now!


daisy said...

You had me until... actually I knew before I had read one word. I've been all about April Fools Day today.

sadie said...

That's so great. I knew your day would come, dad. I figured it would either be a mission president call or a call to the quorum of the twelve--seeing as how there is a vacancy. Looks like the mission call will do for now.

Shayne said...

How exciting. I don't think we will be able to visit though. Are there roads in and out to/from there? I heard there were not. But you guys have fun though. See you in 2011 when Parly goes into Young Womens.

Marty Reeder said...

My favorite part was your interview with Tommy. The way you worded it, I could actually hear President Monson conducting the interview that way.

The Proving Grounds is a huge responsibility, but I know that you guys are up to it. There are a lot of daredevil drivers that drop by that area, who are ready for some deathbed repentance, so you've got a lot of chances for success. Good luck and congratulations!

Emily said...

Dustin believed it.