We are enjoying Presidents Day. Dona has been sick. She's had a really bad cough. I've tried to help her get better but I'm not as good at doing that as she is. We plan on watching "Pollyanna" today... probably just before we watch "24." I've gone through some recent photos and posted a few so you'll know that we've been active this winter. The first one is our snow shoeing hike on Martin Luther King Day. The second one was taken at the North End Zone (NEZ) facility at USU during Christmas vacation. The next one I call, "Angie, Nana, and the Bull." We went to the gymnastic meet and Angie got to meet "Big Blue." The last one is Clayre and Parly standing at the top of Angels Landing (just kidding) with the sun at their back. It is significant because it includes the sun--something we've seen little of this winter. Thus we watch "Pollyanna" on President's Day so we can be glad... about something!